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Welcoming A New Pet Into The Family

    After the busy festive season and countless Christmas wrappings and bags still on the lounge floor, many of us will still be enjoying our new gifts. For some that may include a new family member in the form of a pet. It’s important that we help our pets acclimatize to their new home and environments with making sure their start is as comfortable as possible. Here are some tips to welcoming your new pet into your home and ensuring they feel loved from the time they step out of the car.

    Pet Proofing
    Preparing your home before the arrival of your new pet is crucial. You should first determine where your pet would be spending most of its time e.g. the garden, kitchen etc. Your new fur baby will be under a lot of stress with the change of environment, so expect a little bit of agitation and hiding. Proof the house from disaster by taping loose electrical cords, storing hazardous chemicals on high shelves and put anything that is easily breakable (or chewable) away!

    The journey home
    Try to arrange the arrival of your new pet for a weekend or when you can be home for a few days, so that there is ample time to be together and get to know each other. When collecting your pet, ensure that you have a comfortable carrier equipped with a cozy blanket and food and water, depending on the length journey. On the way home, your pet should be safely secured, preferably in a crate or harness. Some dogs and cats find car trips stressful, so creating a safe place for them will make the trip home easier on both of you.

    The new housemate has arrived!
    Once your new pet is home, let them explore and take in their surroundings (supervised of course). It’s of great importance for them to become familiar with their environment and begin to recognize the areas you’ve designated for sleeping, eating and playing.

    Time to Train
    Pets, more specifically dogs need order. Training should begin from the very first moment your pet steps through the door. Take him to his toilet area immediately and spend a good amount of time with him so he will get used to the area. Start a routine of feeding, toileting and play/exercise to from day one. Don’t give in and comfort him if he whines when left alone. Instead, give him attention for good behavior, such as chewing on a toy or resting quietly.

    Give them a little TLC
    Separation from their shelter or litter can be difficult for your new pet. Try using dog toys or placing hot water bottles to mimic the warmth of their mum. Moving is stressful and your pet’s feel the same way! Give him time to acclimate to your home and family before introducing him to strangers. Make sure children know how to approach a pet without overwhelming them.

    Food glorious food
    Ask your breeder or shelter what food your pet was fed and therefore used to. A sudden change in their diet can be upsetting for their tummy and cause a loss of appetite. To make their transition a little easier, mix a little of your new food with a batch of what they were being fed before.

    Lets make that dreaded trip to the vet
    After a week with your new fur baby, a trip to the vet is definitely advisable. There they will receive a health check, vaccinations and an appointment can be made for spaying or neutering.

    Let the fun begin!
    Dogs need an active life. That means you should plan plenty of exercise and game time for your pet. Whether it’s a run on the beach or tossing the frisbee around in the park, your dog will definitely enjoy it. We recommend good fun with catnip for our feline friends and prey-stalking mouse games! Making sure your pet is stimulated not only has its health benefits for your pets but also ensures that your damaging of household property is on a minimum or non-existent all together.

    Enjoying your new best friend
    People often say they don’t see their dog’s true personality until several weeks after adoption. Your dog may be a bit uneasy at first as he gets to know you, but soon after a strong and clear character will emerge. The key to helping your new pet make a successful adjustment to your home is being prepared and being patient, you will be amply rewarded with a new best friend for life.

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